Mutaz Barshim hints Paris 2024 could mark his final Olympics participation
Mutaz Barshim hints Paris 2024 could mark his final Olympics participation

Doha, Qatar: Qatar's esteemed high jump athlete, Mutaz Barshim, has expressed that the Paris 2024 Games could mark his final participation in the Olympics.

In an interview with an international media source, the current Olympic champion hinted his aspiration to establish a profound legacy in his specialized event, expressing his desire to solidify his position as the top high jumper the world has witnessed.

In a video, reposted by the Qatar Athletics Federation, Barshim said, “Paris Olympics. I think it’s gonna be my last. To be honest I really think so. I’ve been saying this is my last (competing season) for like two or three years now, but I’m still here. But I think Paris is gonna be my last.”

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