Qatar Fund for Development gives humanitarian assistance in South Sudan
Qatar Fund for Development gives humanitarian assistance in South Sudan

A delegation representing the Qatar Fund for Development (QFFD) and the Qatar Red Crescent Society (QRCS) undertook a field visit to oversee humanitarian aid operations in South Sudan from July 14 to 19.

The primary objective of the visit was to evaluate the project's advancement following the agreement inked on February 18, 2024, among QFFD, QRCS, and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). Under this, a sum of $2,344,420 was earmarked to provide assistance to refugees and returnees in South Sudan, who have been affected by the conflict in Sudan, as well as severe flooding and adverse weather conditions in South Sudan.

“This initiative underscores QFFD’s commitment to alleviate the hardships faced by vulnerable populations in South Sudan. By restoring family links, providing essential healthcare support, aiding the war-wounded, and ensuring access to safe drinking water, we aim to make a meaningful impact on the lives of refugees and returnees, offering them vital support during their challenging circumstances,” said Head of Disaster Management and Emergency Relief at QFFD Yousef al-Mulla.

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