Qatar welcomes Britain's decision to suspend arms export licenses to Israel
Qatar welcomes Britain's decision to suspend arms export licenses to Israel

Doha, Qatar: In a significant move aimed at protecting Palestinian civilians, especially children and women, the State of Qatar has welcomed the announcement made by Britain to suspend arms export licenses to the Israeli occupation forces. This decision is viewed as a crucial step towards ensuring the safety and well-being of civilians in the midst of the ongoing conflict in the Gaza Strip.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Qatar has emphasized that the suspension of arms sales aligns with the resolutions of the international community, including those of the Security Council, the United Nations General Assembly, and the International Court of Justice. These resolutions call for an immediate ceasefire, the protection of civilians and civilian infrastructure, and unimpeded efforts to bring an end to the hostilities in Gaza.

Furthermore, Qatar's Ministry of Foreign Affairs has highlighted that Britain's decision to halt arms exports to Israel will bolster the collective efforts aimed at resolving the conflict in the Gaza Strip. Qatar remains steadfast in its support for the Palestinian cause and the rights of the Palestinian people, in accordance with international legitimacy and the pursuit of a two-state solution. The ultimate goal is to establish an independent Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

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