Federation of Indian Nurses Qatar (FINQ) launches “Turn Your E-Waste to Wellness Challenge”
Federation of Indian Nurses Qatar (FINQ) launches “Turn Your E-Waste to Wellness Challenge”

Doha, Qatar: The Federation of Indian Nurses Qatar (FINQ), a professional healthcare organization, has collaborated with Welkins Medical Centre to promote the "Turn Your E-Waste to Wellness" campaign to the public. This award-winning CSR campaign by Welkins Medical Centre, which began in January 2024, has garnered widespread support from government bodies, corporations, and community organizations in Qatar.

FINQ launched the eco-friendly challenge, "Turn Your E-Waste to Wellness Challenge" on June 8, 2024, in partnership with Welkins Medical Centre, and association with QIPA, Fun Day Club Qatar, Nadumuttam Qatar, and Radio Suno. The challenge’s primary objective is to raise awareness about the health risks associated with improperly managed electronic waste and promote its proper disposal.

Acknowledging the health hazards posed by electronic waste, FINQ has taken proactive steps to educate the community and advocate for environmental well-being. The event commenced at 9 am with the collection of e-waste from participating organizations, which was then handed over to Welkins Medical Centre for recycling through the Seashore Company.

At 10 am, an awareness session was initiated by Fun Day Club president Ms. Manju. Mr. Kenson, the FINQ program coordinator, delivered a welcome speech, outlining the initiative and welcoming esteemed guests and dignitaries from collaborating organizations.

Mr. Shiju R. Kanayi delivered a compelling presentation on World Environment Day, emphasizing the role of nurses in promoting community health. The session was inaugurated with an inspiring speech by the chief guest, Ms. Hameeda Kader, Principal of MES School, providing encouragement and a nurturing perspective.

Mr. Bejoy Chacko delivered the FINQ Presidential address, elaborating on FINQ’s activities and mission. Honourable guest Mr. KV Boban, General Secretary of ICBF, shared insights on World Environment Day, stressing the importance of environmental responsibility.

Ms. Anna Sajin, Joint Secretary of QIPA, discussed the significance of e-waste management and offered her team’s support in raising awareness. Ms. Sajna Zakki, former president of the Nadumuttam Association, highlighted the initiative's importance. Ms. Sheeja Eldho, an executive committee member of Fun Day Club Qatar, shared her thoughts on the subject and expressed her support for the cause.

Dr. Rejil and Vishnu from Welkins Medical Centre explained the hospital’s e-waste management initiative, sharing the concept of wellness through the project. RJ Sandeep from Radio Suno attended the event, pledging the support of their team.

Mr. KV Boban distributed seeds to all participating organizations, symbolizing the initiative's commitment to environmental sustainability - turning e-waste into a symbol of new growth and wellness.

Representatives from collaborating organizations shared their future plans to enhance the initiative, emphasizing their dedication to environmental health. The event concluded with a vote of thanks by Ms. Nisha Salam and a community networking meetup, fostering stronger community bonds and collaboration.

Mr. PN Babu Raj, honourable guest of the event graced the event with his presence, further highlighting the importance of the initiative.

FINQ’s “Turn Your E-Waste to Wellness Challenge” stands as a testament of community action in addressing critical health and environmental concerns, advocating for sustainable practices and community well-being.

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