Doha: Shantiniketan Indian School has introduced a new ‘home schooling’ scheme aimed at providing educational opportunities for Indian students in Qatar who have interrupted their studies for various reasons. The program, approved by the Qatar Ministry of Education and Higher Education, offers home-based learning for students from Class 7 onwards, following the CBSE curriculum. The announcement was made during a press conference held at ICC Ashoka Hall by the school's management and principal.
innovative learning system is designed for students aged 12 and above who have
completed sixth grade and have been out of school for at least one year.
Admission is limited to Indian expatriate students with valid Qatar residence
permits. Under the program, students will receive textbooks, worksheets, and
online study materials, with expert teachers conducting online sessions to
support learning and clarify doubts. The initiative follows the introduction of
evening shifts at Shantiniketan Indian School for students unable to secure
seats due to limitations, further enhancing access to education.
schooling students will also have access to school-based competitive programs
and the option to transition to the regular schooling system in subsequent
years if desired. While studies and activities will primarily take place at
home, students will be required to write their exams at the school premises.
This approach ensures they remain integrated with academic standards while
benefiting from a flexible learning environment.
students can apply through the school’s website, with only a nominal course fee
approved by the Qatar Ministry of Education. The launch event was attended by
prominent officials, including Managing Director K.C. Abdullatif, Managing
Committee President Rasheed Ahmed, Vice President Anwar Hussain, and Principal
Rafiq Rahim, underscoring the school's commitment to inclusive and accessible
education for the Indian community in Qatar.