Doha, Qatar: Ms. Vedha Redkar (Grade 10) and Ms. Michelle Loovis (Grade 11) of M.E.S Indian School secured the second position in the Senior category of the prestigious Hajikka Memorial Essay Writing Competition. The 10th annual interschool event, organized by the Indian Community Benevolent Forum (ICBF) under the aegis of the Embassy of India, was held on October 18, 2024, at Bhavan’s Public School.
The competition, which featured Junior (Grades VII-IX) and Senior (Grades IX-XII) categories, attracted enthusiastic participation from schools across Qatar. M.E.S Indian School students impressed judges with their exceptional writing skills, earning accolades in this fiercely contested event. Both winners were presented with trophies and certificates in recognition of their achievements.
The students’ success reflects the dedication of their mentors, Mr. Praveesh Jose and Mrs. Shiney Suresh, who oversee literary activities at the school. Their guidance has been instrumental in fostering a culture of excellence in creative and analytical writing.